Ba Da BOOoooM!!!
well its actually them,hah
Switchfoot's coming to town!
Best Xmas present EVER!!
So i found out the news before on Xmas (i know im a procrastinator)
and literally my jaw dropped...
they are coming on 2nd Feb 2008, performing in Venue TBD
I had Noo idea wth is venue tbd, i googled and even asked kar heng and suddenly it hit my head that
TBD = To Be Decided!!
Dam im stupid!! crazy !!! i know..
im gona start saving now to buy their tics . hehe
im gonna kidnap Jon Foreman!!
P/s : i need a concert buddy
who wants to go ?
i just found out in
they are performing in KL Convention Center
tic are 120++ pre-sale and 140 (at door)
Id kill to go there